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Second Sunday after Pentecost

Join us this morning at 10 a.m. for the second Sunday after Pentecost.

We continue to offer our pre-recorded online serving of Morning Prayer. Our readings (this morning, or for Sunday) are: Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7. Here Abraham extends hospitality to three strangers, who inform he and his wife Sarah that the promise of children will be fulfilled. We hear of the birth of their son, Isaac. Psalm 116: 1, 10-17. Verse 1 is a statement of gratitude for God for God's help. The following verses express ways to respond with gratitude toward God. Matthew 9:35- 10:23 Jesus begins the transfer of his ministry of compassion, healing, preaching and teaching to his disciples.

To follow along with the Bulletin click the version you prefer below. If you have trouble accessing it please email Kerry and she'll email you the attachable version.

Many parishioners will be familiar with Morning Prayer as a result of growing up using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Until the mid – late 1970’s, Morning Prayer was the primary Sunday service with Holy Communion celebrated once a month.  The advent of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (the one we currently use) established Holy Communion as the primary service on Sundays. 

Plate Offerings and Online Giving Update

We deeply appreciate the generosity of the St. Michael's Community, particularly, in your willingness to give over a new medium. After receiving very helpful feedback, we have made a slight change to our PayPal link to make it easier for you to tell us how you want your donation to be used. Make sure to select your donation type in the drop down list below your donation amount. Your continued prayers and support of St. Michael’s are vital. If you'd prefer to write a check please mail to the Church at: 26 Pleasant Street Marblehead, MA 01945.


June 10

Morning Prayer – Trinity

June 21

Third Sunday after Pentecost