Our Home
Life in the Parish
Societies, Support Groups, and Guilds
The heart of life at St. Michael’s may be the Eucharistic feast on Sunday mornings (followed by the social sacrament of Coffee Hour!) but the church is a home for all throughout the week, and we gather for many reasons. Crafting prayer shawls for the newly baptized, sharing wisdom and friendship on a weekday morning, working together to learn from our history, tend to our buildings and grounds, provide pastoral care, and plan for our future: the gifts and passions of our members build communities within our community, and make a home within the House of God!
What are you passionate about? Where do you feel most at home?
Our Towns
Life on the North Shore
Feeding Our Neighbors, Coming Together
Whether welcoming the community to our table for the Lobster Lunch or Christmas Fair, raising funds for the Marblehead Counseling Center and Marblehead Food Pantry, or sending teams of volunteers out to Lifebridge and My Brother’s Table, St. Michael’s is woven into the life of our surrounding towns and communities along the North Shore of Boston. Relationships with other local congregations through the Marblehead Ministerial Association, our membership in the North Shore Deanery, and our past role as a support congregation for Family Promise keep us connected to the wider community.
Service Hours
High school and college students are often required to fulfill a set number of community service hours for graduation, extracurriculars like Scouts, or Honor Society eligibility.
St. Michael’s youth ministries and extensive involvement with local nonprofit organizations provides students and families with an excellent way to complete service hours alongside experienced volunteers in an existing program, or to create a thoughtfully designed service project, guided and supported by members of the community.
What are your gifts and talents? How are you called to serve?
Our World
Reaching Across Borders
Building God’s Kingdom Together
We pray weekly for our fellow parishes in the Diocese of Massachusetts, the other churches and provinces of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and our sister parish of St. Thomas in Arcahaie, Haiti. We send delegates to participate in the annual Diocesan Convention, raise funds for the students and teachers at the St. Thomas School, and send support to Episcopal Relief and Development in times of national and global crisis. As our world becomes ever more complicated, and ever more connected, no one has easy answers or simple solutions. Instead, we can “go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Spirit” as we work to foster Beloved Community, “where all people may experience dignity and abundant life and see themselves and others as beloved children of God.”
How do you envision God’s Kingdom? Where are you called to go?