In-Person Worship
Masks are highly recommended, but not mandatory!
We encourage all people to wear masks for the well being of all due to the increase of Covid cases. Masks will be made available if you do not have one.
The cup will continue to be offered at communion. As mentioned in the Bishop's letter of March 28 (Covid Updates), per a study written for the Anglican Church of Canada:
We encourage everyone to monitor for symptoms and take advantage of the free take home antigen testing kits available at the church. We strongly encourage everyone to be vaccinated and boosted, and make use of the take-home antigen tests. Again, these are available at the church at no charge.
Volunteer as Lector or Usher
We are looking for volunteer Ushers and/or Lectors for Sunday Morning. Additional tasks are required in preparing the Church for in-person service. We are thus asking for one usher to volunteer as “head usher” and to arrive by 9:15 a.m. to begin the list of required tasks. We ask that the other ushers arrive between 9:30 and 9:45 a.m. If any of the other ushers are willing to arrive earlier to assist the head usher, that will be greatly appreciated. A Sunday Sexton/Usher Checklist for COVID-altered Sunday services can be found here: Sunday Checklist.
We are also looking for a few Coffee Hour Volunteers each week!
If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer as Usher, Lector or Coffee Hour Server please click below to sign up.