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On February 2, 1975, St. Michael's Church, Marblehead, celebrated the installation of a
new organ, C. B. Fisk's Opus 69, with a Festal Evensong service in collaboration with the
choir of Christ Church of Hamilton & Wenham. To commemorate this year's fiftieth
anniversary, the choirs of St. Michael's and Christ Church will once again join voices to
sing a service of Evensong on Sunday, February 2, 2025, at 5:00pm in the sanctuary of
St. Michael's Church. Musical selections will include some repeats from the original
event, including Thomas A. Walmisley's "Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D" for choir as
well as J. S. Bach's "Gigue Fugue" for solo organ.
There will be a reception immediately following.