Historic Church 2019 Annual Report
The Historic Church Committee continued to meet throughout 2019. The members of the Committee are Dana Denault (Chair), Rob Howie, David Bittermann, Ed and Frances Nilsson, Valerie Wyckoff, Dick Lundgren and Father Stoessel, ex-officio. We were delighted to welcome our newest member, Dick Lundgren, to our roster this past year. Dana agreed to continue for another term as the Chair and his appointment was approved by the Vestry.
The Committee continues to support the parish’s strategic objectives – “Celebrate our history as it informs our theological understanding and spiritual development for the activities for the future.” We are pleased to continue to support activities that were initiated by the Tercentenary Committee in 2015.
The Committee has been working with the updated project list which Rob has prepared with estimated costs assigned to each project. As we mentioned in the past, the project list serves as a beneficial guide for the Committee and we are happy to discuss the projects with anyone who wishes to support the historical aspects of the church.
This past year the Committee spent time addressing the need for additional storage space in the Archives Room. David Bittermann presented several proposals to the group regarding the renovation of the closet door in the Archives Room which would allow more space. One of the proposals was approved by the Committee and he is currently looking into getting an estimate of costs for this project. Members of the Committee spearheaded by Rob are actively involved in discussions regarding the columbarium project. A sub-committee has been formed and a visit has been made to the Old North Church to investigate the crypt located there as well as a meeting with the directors of the Eustis and Cornell Funeral Home. We are currently investigating the slavery issue in Marblehead and racial justice in town in conjunction with the town historian and other members of the clergy. Ed Nilsson has been active in looking into the potential installation of solar panels on the roof of the Parish Hall; meeting with the Old Historic District Commission as well as neighbors of the church.
We are still awaiting approval to display a variety of past rectors’ photos and historical photos and artifacts in the Chapter Room and along the corridor leading to the Chapter Room. Valerie and Frances continue to prepare the weekly service leaflets and recent years’ Vestry records for binding. It is their hope to bind these documents in leather binders for preservation purposes.
Frances and Dana have completed research and responded to genealogical requests from individuals about family descendants throughout the year. The Committee members conducted tours of the church by special request or at church-sponsored events during 2019. Dana has continued to host the Marblehead Public Schools third-grade students on educational tours of the church focusing on the historical and architectural features of the church. This program is an annual event in conjunction with visits by the students to Abbot Hall, the JOJ Frost Exhibit at the Marblehead Museum and the Jeremiah Lee Mansion. All of the students really enjoy ringing the Paul Revere Bell during their visit to St. Michael’s.
Respectfully submitted:
Dana K. Denault, Parish Historian