Property Management 2019 Annual Report
Property Management oversees the maintenance, repair, and capital improvements to St. Michael’s Church and its appurtenant structures, including the Parish Hall, Davenport House, and the Rectory. This past year the committee met six times and interfaced with several other committees (including Historic Church, Finance, Lobster Lunch, and Christmas Fair); and reported to the Vestry, as needed, by Vestry members David Bittermann and Ed Nilsson.
The committee maintains a running Property Needs List, currently containing roughly 60 open items. There are always new items coming to our attention even as the current backlog is being cleared. Financial resources to address these property needs are provided in part though the annual buildings and grounds budget, through specific project bequests (such as Rectory repairs), and through withdrawals from endowment as authorized by the Vestry. The annual Property budget covers annual inspections for the elevator lift, fire alarm and sprinkler system, fire extinguishers, and choir loft humidifiers. In addition are cyclical exterior painting, gutter cleaning, mechanical systems service, emergency electrical, plumbing, roofing, carpentry and/or appliance repairs, pest control, snow removal, custodian services, supplies, and town inspections. The grounds budget covers lawn care, seasonal clean-ups, weeding and mulching, and pruning. In this busy construction time, the Committee has had difficulty securing contractors’ bid proposals for certain minor repairs.
Property initiatives completed in 2019 include:
Installation of air conditioner in Thrift Shop (Davenport House)
Refurbished St. Michael’s wooden sign on Washington Street
Submitted proposal to Old & Historic District Commission for solar panels on Parish Hall
Repairs to stair balustrades on Church front steps
Cyclical repainting of Church, Parish Hall, and Davenport House facades where needed
Our to-do list for 2020 includes improvements to the walkway and railings going up to the Thrift Shop, re-installation of the Summer Street Christmas tree lights, ongoing repairs/adjustments to Church humidifiers in choir lot, and relocation of basement Archive room de-humidification system to adjacent hallway closet. Additional items on the horizon include marking of Summer Street driveway to include a wheelchair lane along the retaining wall, preparing a study report to the Vestry for installation of a Columbarium, and assessing further options for installing solar panels on the Parish Hall roof.
We would like to express appreciation for parishioners who help bring repair items to our attention and to Property Management committee members working towards our mission: to provide a place for parish ministry in downtown Marblehead by restoring, preserving, and managing our historic buildings.
Respectfully submitted,
Property Management Committee: Edward Nilsson and David Bittermann, Co-Chairs, Gary Amberik, Dick Lundgren, and Fr. Stoessel (ex-officio)