St. Michael's Episcopal Church

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eNews – June 12, 2020

As you are aware, the State of Massachusetts is now in Phase 2 of Governor Baker's reopening process, "Safer at Home". You may also know that the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Massachusetts have been coordinating phases of re-opening of churches with their own set of requirements. The Dioceses have stated that as of July 1, churches may re-open under the following general conditions: that we do not exceed 40% of the church's capacity, congregants must be seated with face coverings 6 ft apart unless they are in the same household), along with more specific requirements published in their guidelines, "A Journey by Stages". 

Here in Marblehead, a small number of houses of worship have re-opened, while others have stated that they will not re-gather until September. To that end, St. Michael's has formed a working group with the goal of reopening the church and related operations and ministries with health and safety of our parishioners being the highest priority. This group is comprised of: Fr. Andrew, Michele Baillie, David Bittermann, Kim Hunt, Barbara Miller and Sue Cool. Topics that the group is currently addressing are: mapping out the church for safe distancing during worship, stringent cleaning practices and supplies, signage for traffic flow, etc. While the group wishes a swift return for all to worship in our precious Sanctuary, we are also mindful of meeting the requirements of the Diocese. As we consider our own unique building and operations, we are mindful of meeting the requirements of the Diocese. We will keep you apprised of a realistic date when we will gather again.  

The Reopening Advisory Team

Weekly Online Schedule

No Morning Prayer June 17
(Fr. Andrew is on vacation)

Bedtime Stories with Kelley
on Facebook at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday Evening Casual Connect
on Zoom at 7:00 p.m.
email Sarah Bates for info

Sunday Service
an email will be sent early Sunday with links to the service
Morning Prayer Service at 10 a.m.
on Youtube Premiere

No Church School with Fr. Andrew this Sunday

Readings for Sunday

Community Updates

Altar Flowers: One of the gifts of spring, summer and fall are the wonderful flowers in our gardens and on our altar. Through the fall months if anyone has flowers from their gardens that St. Michael’s could use on our Altar, please contact Anne Foster at 718-631-8957, or email Anne at: Thank you. Meanwhile, thanks to Anne who has been arranging for flowers on the altar for our online services!

End of Program Year (sort of).  Sunday, June 14 would have been the final Sunday for our Adult Choir and Church School. Obviously our gathering has changed since early March due to the pandemic. All the same, we wish to thank our Choir members for their voices and ministry throughout this past fall, winter and spring, with special thanks to Raymond Hawkins, our Music Director. Thank you to our Church School volunteers and teachers, and students, too! Special thanks to Church School and Youth Director, Kelley Callahan, who wonderfully stepped in last fall to lead and teach our children and youth. Both Raymond and Kelley have adeptly offered their online ministries once we were unable to gather in person. They continue to do so! Thank you all!

Website Update

Our new website for St. Michael's is soon to be up and running! Thanks to parishioner and web-designer, Katie Hoyer, for all her work over the past months. Katie will be "handing off" the management of our website to Kerry Chomic in the days to come. We remain ever grateful to Chris Riegle who has quietly and surely updated our current website over the past years. Thank, Chris!

Haiti Fundraiser Update:

The Vestry, with the affirmation of the Lobster Lunch Committee, undertaking a special fundraising effort specifically for our partnership with St. Thomas Church and School in Haiti, with a goal of raising $10,000. This effort will go until the end of July. So far, we have raised $3,950 of our goal!

If you are willing and able to donate, we encourage you to do so by clicking on the button below or you may send a check payable to St. Michael’s Episcopal Church with “Haiti Partnership” written in the memo line. Again, our annual support of St. Thomas is a critical means of revenue for the operation of the school and well-being of its students.

Donate Here for Haiti Fundraiser

Can you help with Frozen Meals?: The Pastoral Care Commission is in need of folks to make frozen meals so that we can replenish the meals that have been given out to Parishioners. If you are able to prepare a tasty casserole or a lasagna (in a foil pan), please contact Sue Cool or Susan Butterworth. We can pick them up from your home and store them in the St. Michael’s freezer. Thank you!

Marblehead COA Grab 'N' Go Lunches

The Council on Aging has begun a new program on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s a Meal pick-up at the COA Parking lot. There’s no charge, BUT reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. CALL: 781-631-6225. The meals are prepared by the Meals on Wheels Program. The 1st meal is Beef Stew with a Brownie, the 2nd is Balsamic Chicken with Rice Pilaf. 

Note: The Grab ’N” Go lunches are not delivered to the home. They must be picked up at the COA. The COA is also giving free on line Zoom classes for exercising and staying strong. For more info, call Janice Salisbury-Beal and Lisa Hooper at 781-631-6225 or go to:

Errands and Groceries: To Grocery Store or Pharmacy. You can give the person a list and reimburse when or before they arrive with your items. Please call: Linda Smidt: 781-248-3572; Sue Cool: 617-571-6639; Jenny Oliveira: 617-599-0439. 

Thursday Evening Casual Connects:

St. Catherine’s Guild invites and welcomes parishioners to connect casually via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Sarah Bates, St. Catherine’s president hosts the gathering. It is open to all parishioners and families. One can connect either from your computer or smart phone (you do not need to have the Zoom app or software to participate). Please contact Sarah Bates if interested. You can email her at

Ringing of St. Michael's Bell:

St. Michael’s continues to ring our bell every evening for 5 minutes from 6:00 – 6:05 p.m. We join with Grace Community Church, Old North, and other churches in the area to acknowledge our interconnection in this time of self-isolation, and support for one another, especially healthcare and other essential workers. Different parishioners have volunteered to ring each evening.